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Wednesday, July 11, 2012

10 on 10: July

A fun little photo challenge.

10 photos on the 10th day of the month.


Here was our yesterday.

A few of the Hope ladies started a 6 am club.

Group text encouragement to wake up early.

Study God's word.

Get stuff done.

Be better prepared to start our days.

It's Day 2.

And I still kind of want to throw my phone at the wall when the text comes my way.

But I know it will be good for me.

And my family.

So I press on.

Rise and Shine!

Oh you know.

A little early morning Madagascar tightrope walking.

Her toes?  Full flex.


Summer school drop-off for Ash.

With my new favorite earrings from Hannah.

You should hop on over to her shop and get some.

She might include a nature book for your kids with your order.

I could not love her more.

And the big girls are off to order from our favorite barista.

Dave works at Starbucks a few mornings each week for our health benefits.

He also likes to be out and about.

Not much of a desk/office pastor type.

Which is good because he doesn't really have an office.

And I love him for it.

And so do our pre-existing medical conditions.

Quick trip to the grocery store and back to school for pick-up.

Where we were met with some drama.

Ashlyn wanted Sasha's football.

Sasha is a boy.

But Ashlyn said because Sasha sounds like a girl she should get to take his football.


Sorry, Sasha.


Cake camp.

"I watch too much Cake Boss."

"I'm going to go wild on this thing!"


Ashlyn and I went home and had our own cake camp.

She was not impressed.

And went back to tightrope walking.

Girl does not lie.

She really did go wild on those things.

Today's task is a whole cake.

"Where I can really showcase my work, mama..."

Off to Ashley and Kevin's for an All Star game BBQ.

And a Charlie party.

My girls are obsessed with this little white dog.

Sorry, Charlie.

National League and our Giants represented well.

I think the final score was 103-0.

And Melky won MVP.

And Dave made me tweet something sports related.

It's all a blur.

ten on ten button
A fun, busy 10th!

How was yours?


  1. KK's quotes kill me! Could she be more intense about her cake? I think not!! :) Apple-Tree (mama style)
    Sasha will get over it... we just need to get Ashy her own football... Apple-Tree (papa style... not that he would steal a guys football, just the passion for it ha!)
    Happy 10 on 10

  2. check out my dirty foot.
    also, please tweet all quotes cake camp related. or is it kake kamp?

    your sports related tweet got melky that mvp. so, thank you. on behalf of the melkman.

    also, i think at our sleepover she got some good full cake decorating practice in.
    you're welcome, kathy.

  3. your husband is a cool pastor...i mean her works at sbux, right!?!?

    puberty hit sasha early. poor kid. give him his football.

    girl drama can be remedied with cake. i could use some.

  4. Yay for 10 on 10...I love it! I think it's awesome that you all are supporting one another with God's word, even at 6 in the morning! What a way to start the day :) Cake camp sounds so daughter would love that! I'll trade you my cookies for some of those cupcakes ;)

  5. Wow kk went batcrap crazy on those cupcakes. I will text you at 5:45am just to spite everyone.

  6. I love your set! What a fun day of cupcakes, baseball and cute girls! The shot with the white dog and the pretty light - adorable! Also, I'm a Rangers fan so I was a little disappointed with that game. But's nice to have baseball BBQ's! :)

  7. this is one fancy day.
    love it all. really love the 6am text club.
    and? how am i such a big dummy that i didn't know your husband works at starbucks?
    your girls. they slay me with their cuteness.

    also, you. you slay me with your everything.
    call me. maybe.

  8. Your girls are so adorable. They crack me up! LOVE the tightrope walking pic. Awesome.

    Yay for fellow baristas! Well, okay, I worked there ten years ago, but I still count it. What's his true opinion on the refreshers? I don't know if they can top my beloved mocha.

    Not sure about the 6am club. I like getting texts, but at 6am? How about a 2pm club when I'm frustrated with work and REALLY need some Jesus to shine through me? That's what I'm talking about. ;-)

  9. kayla freaking cracks me up! love that kid.
    i'm available to babysit. especially if madagascar is available.
