At bible study last night I was reflecting with friends on how God has not only opened doors for us, He's set out flowers and welcome mats.
I've said it before, but I am beyond overwhelmed at His provision during our church planting process. It brings great comfort and peace. For I know that His hand is in all of it.
October 10, 2010
5:30 am. I hear Dave's alarm and he heads into his office to review his sermon notes and pray.
7:00 am. Hope core group meets Masters kids at 17th Ave. Starbucks. Then heads over to Sunnybrae Elementary.
7:20 am. Hope core group and Masters kids discover school custodian padlocked outside gate. We had 17 keys. None of which opened the outside gate. Ellen (children's director AND handywoman extraordinaire) goes home for her dad's bolt cutters. Problem solved. Sorry, San Mateo-Foster City School District.
8:00 am. Set-up begins. Sound equipment. Banners. Welcome Table. Food and drinks. Transformation of kindergarten classroom into Hope Sunday school. Organization and distribution of the sweetest little backpacks made by Ellen.
All goes flawlessly. Literally. Not one single glitch. Thanks to the bolt cutters.
9:30 am. People begin to fill our new little church. People that know Jesus. People that may not.
10:00 am. Service starts. Dave greets his congregation. In the morning. For the FIRST time.
10:05 am. Patrick, John, Jamie and Madeline lead worship. Janelle sits next to Ashlyn and signs the words to "Come Christians Join To Sing" and "Our Great God" in ASL. Ashlyn stares at Janelle, comprehending most of what she is signing. It was beautiful.
10:10 am. Dave receives the following text from a dear brother in Christ who was unable to attend: 2 Timothy 4:1-2. "I charge you in the presence of God and of Christ Jesus, who is to judge the living and the dead, and by his appearing and his kingdom: preach the word. Be ready in season and out of season. Reprove, rebuke and exhort, with complete patience and teaching."
10:15 am. Worship continues. Isaiah 53:1-6 Scripture reading. "I Stand in Awe" and "In the Cross Alone I Glory." Jamie and Patrick sing "Your Glorious Love" and the little ones are prayed for and dismissed with Ellen to the classroom across the way.
10:30 am. Dave reads the text he received, out loud, as he begins his sermon. And breaks down. I've only seen him cry that way once before. On our wedding day. And I remember him telling me that he was overwhelmed at the task before him. Overwhelmed at what God had entrusted to him.
And I knew, without even asking, that the same applied this morning. SO much greater a responsibility is Christ's bride than his own.
11:10 am. The first Sunday morning sermon at Hope Church concludes. An overview of the book of John and an explanation of its purpose, specifically Chapter 20:30-21.
11:15 am. One last worship song, "Mighty is the Power of the Cross" and service ends. Little ones flood in from the classroom across the way. Friends eat and fellowship together. We prayed for the Masters kids and, sadly, sent them on their way.
Overall, an awesome start to something we couldn't have done on our own.
May we always be a church that relies on His strength.
May we always be overwhelmed by the task at hand and the responsibility entrusted to us.