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Tuesday, March 25, 2014

My Baby Girl and I

I had lunch with a new friend last week.

Who happens to be a photographer.

She snapped these pictures of Holland and I.

And they are such treasures to me.

Had I known she was going to share her skills, I probably would have brushed my hair a little more.

Or at all.

Worn earrings.

And not dressed my baby like a boy.

But such is life right now.

Not much time to primp.

Or worry about what my kids are wearing.

I'm lucky they are dressed.

But, really?

All that doesn't matter.

I just want to remember being with her.

In God's glorious creation.

The way she makes me smile.

A few frozen minutes that seem to float in time.

A tiny part of a season that passes all too quickly.

I am so thankful for these moments captured.

And for friends that take the time to capture them.

Our babies are our best gifts.

Photographs with our babies are a close second.

Tuesday, March 11, 2014

6 Months.

She laughs when I yawn.

So she's laughing lots lately.

Our baby has decided she's a night owl.

I know it passes fast.

And she nurses and falls right back to sleep.

So I cherish it.

And yawn a lot.

A funny, little personality is starting to emerge.

She makes this silly grin quite often.

Dave says Kayla used to do the same but I don't remember.

Because I'm up at 10 PM, 12 AM, 2 AM and 4 AM.

She is rolling much more quickly now.

And just starting the pre-crawl booty rock.

I think she's going to be fast once she takes off.

I'm hoping that skill takes a few months to perfect.

Because I'm too busy yawning to chase after a baby that moves.

She had her 6 month check up yesterday.

50% in weight and 85% in height.

Tall and lean.

All that power rolling has thinned her out a bit.

And this is my favorite picture of her so far.

I love her smile.

She's such a happy, easy baby.

She's social and friendly and a big, giant flirt.

Taking her new world in.

All day and all night.

Happy 6 months, little girl.

I love you.
