I know my girls will read this one day.
So I want to be gentle.
But, Ashlyn Grace.
2014 has been a sassy year for you so far.
And it's time to regulate.
Discipline is a tricky thing.
Personal to each family.
No one has all the answers.
But this system worked well for Kayla years ago.
And we started back up again today.
And we've had the smoothest morning in months.
I will speak for my children.
They like structure and organization.
They like goals.
They like clear rules and consequences.
They like reasonable rewards for doing good.
This discipline system incorporates all of these things.
And makes me sane.
It's pretty simple, really.
Kids start on green each morning.
Each child has their name written on a separate magnet.
Break a family rule?
Have child move their magnet to yellow.
Break another family rule?
Move to red.
Choose from consequence jar.
Consequences are written on large popsicle sticks that we keep in a mason jar.
Obviously, these will be different for each family and each child even.
No iPad time for that day.
Early bedtime.
Time out in room for 30 minutes.
Your choice.
The thought of no iPad for a day sends Ashlyn into a frantic tizzy.
So that's her button.
So her jar has about 10 of those.
That's another great thing.
You can choose the amount something appears which will increase the probability it is picked.
Same goes with rewards.
Catch them being kind and nice?
Have them move their button to blue.
Catch them again in the same day?
Move to purple.
Chose a reward.
These are also written on popsicle sticks and kept in a separate mason jar.
Be sure not to mix them up.
Because that's future therapy for sure.
You don't have to go crazy.
Extra book at bedtime.
Extended bedtime.
A movie on Netflix.
Special dessert or treat.
You know what your kids love.
And hear me out.
The goal is not to create greedy, performance-based robots.
The goal is that my girls grow to understand and live out the verse at the top.
I want our home to be one of love.
And when it's not, I want to take action to fix it.
I recognize that they are little humans.
And have bad days just like adults.
So grace abounds.
Much grace.
For them and for me.
Every day is a fresh start.
And this little bugger was up all night.
So she's on red today.