Whelp. It's Saturday.
Which means I missed InstaFriday. Again.
Life has been crazy.
Actually, I think I've missed three weeks in a row.
Which means you need to strap on your seat belt. For three weeks of fun-filtered photos.
Stop whatever it is that you are doing and make these right now.
Even if you don't have the two items required, go the the store immediately.
I know it's Saturday night. But it's time well spent. TRUST moi.

We love ourselves a little Texas Hold 'Em round these parts.
Some nights I play. Some nights I hack on the couch and watch.

According to the bridal boutique, my measurements = Size 22.
In real life, I = Size 10.
Therefore, I had to pay someone to take on some beastly alterations.
And the someone I was planning on paying decided to take a little vacay.
FOR TWO MONTHS. In the middle of wedding season. Who does this?
Someone who is avoiding turning my 22 into a 10. That's who.
Fanny, I will not forget this. I mean it, Fanny.

A few weeks ago, Kim and I met Wendy and Melissa for dinner.
Yay for linkable friends!
Never in a million, zillion years did I ever think starting a blog would give me new friends.
It's still a little weird if I really think about it.
But I saw Mel at a U2 concert on Tuesday night and I feel like I've known her for a million, zillion years.
And that is almost more awesome that Bono.

Confession: sometimes I go to Starbucks when I don't even want to.
And buy something I don't need.
When I'm not even thirsty.
Actually, I don't even like coffee.
But I want a fancy gold card.
Mission. Accomplished.

My sister-in-law-to-be felt sorry for the old people in her life and invited my mom and I to join her Bachelorette cruise.
We invited my cousin and my mom's BFF. So we weren't the only old people.
Basically everyone in California went on this cruise.
Poor Kennah. She is such a good sport to marry into this family.
It was fun. REAL fun. We laughed ALOT.

And because I am old, I read this while all the young girls were at Rex's.
Rex = Carnival's disco club. Did I just say disco club? Oh dear. #OLD
Anyway, read this if you haven't.
I can't stop thinking about it.
And I was so sad when it ended because I wanted to read it forever.
I can't wait for the movie.

Am I the only one who wanders the aisles of Target at 10:00 pm the night before a road trip?
Buying things I don't even need for a road trip. I do this EVERY time. And I don't even know why.

On our way to the wedding!
Minus daddy who was chauffeuring Uncle Vinny from the airport.
He's not really my uncle but we just call him that.
And he's from New York. So it totally works.

My dad toasting the couple at the rehearsal dinner.
My dad's toasts are always awesome.

Not awesome? Your kid in a bar at 10 pm.
But a family that karaokes together stays together.
So we took one for the team.

A little flower girl stress relief.
Props to Kim for the caption.

And wedding prep.
K: "Let the hair tools do the work, Ash."

Cousins killing time in the hotel lobby the day after the wedding.
Is the iphone not the best invention in all the world?
Three minutes earlier they were running circles around the reception desk.
What did our parents do in the 80s?

I love that our church has pledged 70% of its' budget to meet needs.
Needs within the body and otherwise. Because it's biblical. Helping each other.
We took a free will offering for this wonderful cause on Sunday and the church agreed to match.
We were able to donate $717.32 to help Anika's family bring her home.

We like U2. Lots.
We see them every time they are within a 100 mile radius. Sometimes twice during the same tour.
This particular concert was rescheduled because Bono hurt his back.
So we've been holding on to these tickets since 2009.
Which means my chances for losing them were pretty high.
And I did. I lost them.
But I found them on Monday. The concert was on Tuesday.
My mom helped. And my cousin Barbara who was in town for the wedding.
Thanks Mom. Thanks Barb. And thanks Ellen who bought the tickets.
It was a great show!

She hates cats. And sweatshirts with cats.

I sewed for the first time in my life on Wednesday.
And I made tree pants.
And now I want to sew every free second of my life.
But I don't have very many free seconds. Or a sewing machine.
So this could be problematic.

The carnies are coming!
I like the fair and carnies more than U2.
Our old house was on a main, busy street that connected the fairgrounds to downtown.
Carnie Boulevard during Fair Week.
Some pretty awesome people watching.
I miss Carnie Boulevard.

We had a shower for this beautiful mama-to-be today.
Big girl post with big girl pictures coming soon.

That was alot.
I'm exhausted.
Happy weekend, friends!
Now go to the store and make those cookies.