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Saturday, May 21, 2011

A Day Late

InstaFriday weekly recap happening on InstaSaturday.

I had a long day at work and was InstaExhausted.

Also, I didn't want to waste my time on a post if the world was going to end and all.

But.  Surprise!

We're still here.

Matthew 24:34-36.  It's a good read.

OK, back to our life.

Way more interesting than the apocalypse.

Ashlyn had her own mini-apocalypse in the back seat on Monday.

I wouldn't stop at Safeway to get her a DVD and Dora ice cream.

And for a second I thought maybe Camping was right.

It could very well be the end of the earth.

Just last Friday, not this Saturday.

We went to an auction for CityTeam Ministries on Friday night.

Dave runs the Oakland chapter of their homeless and recovery shelter.

Along with pastoring the church plant.

In case you haven't picked up on this fact yet, he's had 208 jobs since junior high.

Usually multiple jobs at the same time.

When I met him, he worked at a florist and was also scorekeeper at the local Little League field.

And he was 9.

The guy ALWAYS needs to be busy.  And it's one of my favorite things about him.

Kayla thinks she's getting a Yorkie terrier after Kobi goes to dog heaven.

She compiled a alphabetical list of potential names in grid formation.

Dave says she can't get one unless it's a boy named Goliath.

That didn't go over so well.

She wants a girl named Beatrice or Watercress.

Of course.

Hope had Communion Sunday this week.

We ate after service.

And then Dave scared the kids.


I went to Target for paper towels and stumbled upon this fabulous pairing.

Because who doesn't need a little cardio with their cake pops?

Sweet friends from First Baptist brought us dinner to celebrate our one month anniversary in our new house.

Which I totally forgot.  SO Deb to remember.  That is why I love her.

I love when fortunes preach.  Romans 5:3-5 right there.

And this?  This right here?  My favorite Instagram picture  OF. ALL. TIME.

The pictures from this post inspired a hair highlight and chop for my brother's wedding in 2 weeks.

I love it.

Light.  Free.  Healthy.  Dries in 3 minutes.

At my current unpacking rate, I anticipate seeing our garage floor sometime in 2014.

There are U2 tickets somewhere in those piles.  For a concert on June 7th.

Why did God make unpacking so hard?

Are there unpacking companies I can hire?

Taco Night.

I grabbed cabbage instead of iceberg like I do 50% of the time.

And Dave stopped on his way home to pick up iceberg like he does 50% of the time.

One time he brought home more cabbage.  Hot produce mess over here.

Same time-ish.  Same place.  Next week.  Maybe.


  1. oh, i wanna see the new hair!!
    love this post-i wish i could help you unpack. also, i may be able to help with produce purchases;)


  2. i want that dancing with stars workout. moving is so time consuming. i just helped my daughter move friday to a new house. her husband said they were never moving again.

  3. SHUT UP!!! guess who else is going to see U2 on June 7th in Oakland?!? ME!

    i'll be in the nosebleed section.
    a friend of mine entered a raffle to be in the inner circle and WON! jealous. (last years post "with or without bono").

    we have replaced lettuce for cabbage on our tacos... good (great "drano" for the uhhh, well, pipes).

    and thank you for your encouragement over at my blog. Obedience was all we had leading us for a while.
    we have been over-blessed because of it!

    and the "i love you" pic. is the sweetest.

    happy non-apocolypse day!

  4. i want that cake pops cookbook. I love cake balls but they are not on my eating plan right!

    I love taco night! One of my favorites... I would have lettuce not cabbage for sure!

    Yeah for blog sugar... I look forward to meeting you!

  5. love the target combo! basically why I should never shop there alone..

  6. I love love love love love this post...for reals! Hilarious, especially love
    A. cake pops + cardio = genius
    B. pic of salon mirror...crack me up
    C. I Love You pic. Precious.
    You are rad and I like you.


  7. i think you should be required one hysterical ashy photo per insta friday. definitely makes my day. :)

    also i have yet to see the pre-wedding chop! i REALLY hope you went wedge. good thing i'll see you in the morning!

    time to start training for the 2012 apocalypse!

  8. oh man. seriously.. you kill me. we had temper tantrums in the back of the van after the air conditioning went out last night. 20 minutes of heaven. and YES! our cappy is a reall boat captain!! he wanted to be called mr.. bojangles or sir grandfather and i used my veto power. :) can't wait to see the hair! and the cake pops! :) oh.. and i feel compelled as your resident health nut to say iceberg is the nutrional wimpy kid. what about some romaine, some spinach? plus it doesn't look like cabbage. ;) don't mind me..i just can't help myself from drive by food comments. :)

  9. Love this set of pics!!! And, guess who else will be at the concert on June 7th?!?!?! Yours truly!!!
    What section are you in?!!? Find your tickets!!!

  10. haha, great post! i love getting cranky kid pictures, embarrass them later on in life. ;-) and my hubby sounds about as busy as yours...he just finished his masters and immediately wanted to jump into something else; what?!? good thing we have a baby on the way to be the something else :)
    have a great week!!

  11. Watercress may just be the best pet name in the history of pet names.

    Loved loved this post. :)

  12. The "fit" picture is AWESOME!! That one needs to be framed next to the "i love you" one!! What a fun busy week :)

  13. did you really buy a workout video and a cake pops book?! I love you!
