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Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Those Who Lose at a Slower Pace...

have a greater chance of keeping it off.

Good news for me and my .8 lb weight loss this week.  Down 1 lb total.  Still eating carrots and speed walking like Forest.  Although he was more of a runner though, right?  Maybe that's my problem.

I did take full advantage of  my 35 bonus points (and then some, probably) on the most amazing bruschetta (gorgonzola and honey,  salami and feta, mushroom, pepper and some sort of heavenly cheese... all life changing, really)  at B St. & Vine with the girls Friday night so I was expecting worse.  And it would have been worth it.

AND it was Memorial Day weekend.  Is it sad when excuses outnumber pounds lost?  Teacher Jan would not be happy.

At this rate, I will be at my goal weight in 32 weeks.  8 months.  Good thing the wedding is a year from Thursday.

WAKE UP!  You're asleep, aren't you?  Definitely switching to monthly updates.  These are even killing me.

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