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Thursday, November 21, 2013

Our Perfect Baby. And Winner Announced.

Sweet little miss has reversed her nocturnal tendencies.

So I am officially declaring her best baby ever.

Although I did say the same thing about her brother puppy.

And he promptly ditched his kibble for a steady diet of My Little Ponies, toilet paper and underwear.

So I'm not holding my breath.

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She is mellow.



Praise Jesus because she pretty much lives in the car.

She has started smiling.

And cooing.

And it's the sweetest sound ever.

She's living up to her middle name quite nicely.

She's a joy.

And we really love her around here.

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She also likes give-a-ways.

And her Auntie Julie who is the big winner this month.

Jules, Starbucks and Pen and Paint happy mail are en route, my friend.

Thanks to everyone who linked up this month.

That was fun.


  1. i love her. and all the hiccups she seems to get.
    they might be my favorite thing about her.

    please schedule some cuddle time in for me, asap.

  2. Can't wait to meet this little one in a few weeks!!
