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Thursday, August 1, 2013

Pintertest Kitchen 23: $10 Linen Closet Makeover

I saw this pinned a few weeks ago.

In all my pregnant, frantic, nesting splendor.

I had to make it happen.

Our sheets have bugged me since we moved into our house over 2 years ago.

They were all over the place.

In separate bedrooms.

In baskets under beds.

In drawers.

In the garage laundry area.

I get hives thinking about it.

We never had a true linen closet in our old house.

And though we had space for one in the new house, I never made it happen.

Until last week.

And I couldn't be happier with the results.

It makes me want to change sheets more.

Or at all.

Until I remember my rapidly growing lop-sided alien belly which makes walking difficult.

Much less pulling that Cal King fitted beast over our pillow top.

So I mostly just stare at my closet.

It's just so pretty.

And was very easy to put together.

About 45 minutes, start to finish.



photo 1

We're going to have to talk about the Dollar Tree for a second.

I will confess I have issues that I can't really explain.

It just all seems too good to be true.

I feel like $1 dish soap can't possibly work the same way $3 dish soap can.

And it's not worth the $2 to figure out why.

And I just don't trust $1 flea medication.


And don't get me started on shampoo.

But baskets?

I can handle baskets.

I bought ten.

And was out the door for $10.90.

I had the tags and ribbon at home.

So that's all I spent.

photo 3

If you don't have tags and ribbon on hand, you can pick them up at any arts and crafts store.

I got these at Michael's a while ago.


It's a small closet.


With lots of non-dollar store products.

That were easily moved up higher or relocated to our bathroom closet.

Hi Lincoln.

Isn't he cute?

photo 4

I'm a firm believer that dotting your lettering makes everything right with the world.

And makes any handwriting glorious.

You can also print labels or use stamps.

photo 1 copy

Simply tie your tag to your basket with coordinating ribbon.

Or be rebellious.

Whatever you want.

The original pinner used a combo of lime green and light blue baskets which I loved.

Our Dollar Tree only had lime green and a very Christmas-y red.

And $1 flea medication.

I'm all for celebrating Jesus's birthday.

But I feel like it would have been a bit much.


End result?

A super organized and super functional linen closet.

Everything in one place.

All for $10.

Thank you, Dollar Tree.

I take back some of the things I say about you.

But you can keep your shampoo.

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This month is special.

My friend Katy is giving away this cute print to one lucky linker.

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Link-up closes at midnight on Friday, August 9.

Winner will be chosen at random and announced Saturday, the 10th.

Be sure to grab a button in the sidebar and link up below for your chance to win!


  1. i'm thinking dollar tree green is a total win.
    so is your perfect handwriting.

    and dollar tree soap doesn't work.
    it's like washing dishes with diluted kid bubbles.
    not good.

    also, i wish i had a linen closet. even more now that i've seen this post.
    but i will deal. and come stand in front of yours for a few hours to soak it all in.

  2. I'm skeptical of things at the dollar store, too, but those baskets look like a winner to me!

    Also, the first Thursday of the month snuck/sneaked up on me, so I'll have to do my post tomorrow. How is the summer 2/3s over? That should be illegal. :)

  3. thanks for linking back to me!! CLASSY! :) And I love your blue! I wished my dollar store had enough blue, but didn't so I had to add the green! Glad you liked it! (and I don't buy their shampoo either! haha) Love your blog!

  4. I'm skeptical of all things dollar store as well...other than gift bags, cards for showers, and baskets. I have a linen closet, and it's full. I'm now envious of your organization. Linking soon as I have a taste of my creation for this month :)

  5. i'm super impressed! you're my hero.

  6. I dream of the day I have space to do that!
    It caught me off guard, and I had to stop and stare at it when we made Ashy's bed while we hijacked your house to put the crib together!! :)
    I feel better after that confession... ha!!
    Fun post Jess!!

  7. it could have been christmas in july.
    that would have been soooo cool.

  8. I love mini organization projects like this, quick & easy but such a timesaver and also desperately wishing I had more closets

  9. Looks so great! Such a fun alternative to normal baskets too! I'm with you on the dollar store thing too. I want to love it and see it as a great deal! But to be honest I usually chicken out because I wonder...why is this cheaper than the grocery store...what did they do to it? Issues.

  10. Wonderful post! I love the idea and need to do some linen closet organizing myself.
