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Thursday, February 16, 2012

Love: A Valentine's Day Recap

In years past, it's always been about us.

Dave and I.

Making plans.

Making reservations.

And scrambling to find the last available sitter.

This year was different.

An outpouring from our hearts that reflects Who we love and serve.

An emphasis placed on what matters.

During church service on Sunday we spent some time praying for these precious women.

Women who have seen their Valentine go to be with Jesus.

Far right is my grandmother.

After service, we visited a local nursing home.

Hope Kids passed out flowers and handmade Valentine's.

And gave treats to the nursing staff.

Ashlyn wished ever single resident, asleep and awake:

"Happy Bahhh-lentine's Day!"

KK diligently prepared Valentine's for her classmates.

"Fun Dip for the girls because they are fun."

"Nerds for the boys because, well, you know..."

I kind of hope she always thinks that way.

And stays little forever.

My friend hosted a party for the kids on Tuesday.

Shirt and cookie decorating.

Red and pink food and treats.

So sweet and thoughtful.

Thank you, Carrie!

This Valentine's Day I was reminded that Christian love is about sacrifice.

We've been given so much.

We've no choice but to give back.

It's not enough to have the right words.

Or perfect behavior.

But we must LOVE.

And care for God's people.

In word AND deed.

I plead with Jesus on a daily basis for compassionate hearts in my children.

And I know they learn by watching me.

So I am continually challenged to live accordingly.

To find creative ways to show God's love to God's people.

On and around February 14th.

And other days, too.


  1. Precious. You always think of young love on Valentine's Day. I've never thought of it in terms of living the rest of your life without the love of your life. I will now.

  2. LOVe, LOVE, LOVE what HOPE did on Valentine's awesome. Brought tears to my eyes!

  3. praise jesus.

    also, i want to join your church.

  4. PTL! What a wonderful way to celebrate this day. I think we will adopt this in our home and perhaps our church. God Bless you!

  5. You guys are my favorite. Seriosly. When is Hope MV happening?????
