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Tuesday, January 25, 2011


The Hipstamatic iphone app may be my Valentine this year.

Sorry, Dave.

But I think I'm in love.

Specifically, the "John S" lens paired w/ Kodot film.

I'm thinking John must have been from the tropics.

Because he makes Hawaii looks 100% times better.  So vibrant and bright.

And he makes me look tan.  Which is always useful.

Although, occasionally my Beloved would revert to the Kaimal lens w/ Ina's film for no apparent reason.  ANNOYING.

Kaimal and Ina are kind of dull.

Not annoying and/or dull?  My parents.

Thanks Mom and Dad for a fabulous trip...  We love you!

1 comment:

  1. You took these photos from your iPhone ? Wow. Glad you had a great time. You can't beat Hawaii.
    Love you guys.
